Monday, February 18, 2008

Dicipleship NASCAR style

Explaining discipleship in the 21st Century is easy. Back in 2004, I realized that to be a pastor in the community I lived in meant learning about NASCAR and cheering for a racer. I always go for the underdog, and selected a driver who was in his second year and finished 5th in the previous year's rookie of the year because I was a 2nd year pastor, and my lacrosse jersey # in college was 5.

A quick search of the internet lead me to his home page; and there I encountered his followers. People who had known him from high school, a home town boy made good. I was hooked and wanted to know more. So I started reading everything I could locate on the 'net, posting obscure articles about this man so others could know what was being said.

Others in their following of Scott Riggs, write original pieces to encourage fans and the driver alike, check out

My following the events of NASCAR is like my following of Christ. It is a daily thing, daily devotion of time to read scripture and see what God is doing in the world. The old stories of rescue are still happening in the world around us.

As a group of people, as a community of believers in Christ, we are called to encourage one another. Think of it as drafting. Working together makes things easier because there is less resistance and we can go further then we dreamed was possible.

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