Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Word of the Day--True

There is an old computer saying:  garbage in, garbage out.  Meaning whatever we put in, is what we get in return.  This applies to our lives.

When we are filled with garbage, i.e. surrounded by fear filled pronouncements, smothered by pictures and words that debase and demean our fellow children of God or God's creation,  we become polluted and less able to function.

Paul in his letter to the Philippians, invites us to ponder things that clear out the mind of the pollution and remind us of God's rich mercy, love, and leadership.  You'll find this in chapter 4.  In verse 8, he hits upon a series of words and concepts to keep in the forefront of our minds.  Today, we'll think about "True"

In our post-modern world, we question everything and live as if there is nothing true.  We have become cynical; and so it is time to recapture the meaning of "Truth".  While the online Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as:  the quality or state of being accurate, we need to recall the older definitions:  steadfast, loyal, just.  These are words that accurately capture the majesty of God:  God is loyal, just, and steadfast.  Throughout scripture there are stories of God's involvement in situations to get things back on track.

Jesus promised, "I am the way, the truth, and the life."  We do not live in a vacuum; our relationship with God touches every area of our lives.  So, when the world seems spinning out of control, think about what is true:  God is true.    When the nightly news announces doom and destruction, think instead about how God is true; and pray for God's continued involvement in worldly affairs.  

This week, may God's true, faithful, peace be upon you.

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