Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy 2009

And so 2009 is off to a good start; the Huskers won their bowl game.

There is something about the new year, it is a time filled with great hope and expectation that this year will be different, more perfect, new and improved.

Many of us will make resolutions to improve areas of our lives: eat better, increase physical activity, read more, spend more time with family, etc. We like the fresh start to the new year, a chance for the clean beginning.

As Christians, we celebrate this fact every week, every day. Worship is the best way to begin one week and end the previous. Right at the beginning, we make the transition and leave the old sinful ways behind. Every week we experience the power of confessing, "man, I didn't get that right, I need to do better" followed by "In the name of Christ your sins are forgiven." The gift of God of a fresh start is indeed amazing grace. Add into the mix, the sacrament of holy communion, and we are nourished and refreshed to go back into the world to be a beacon of light when others are afraid.

Come to worship God, because you need something to sustain you during the economic challenges our country faces. Hear the word of God and celebrate the gift of God setting up camp in our neighborhood; Joy to the World the Lord is Come.

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