Wednesday, February 25, 2009

An Ash Wednesday thought

A certified public accountant did something that maybe all of us should do. He decided to open a journal with God. He wanted to write down everything that God gave him and everything that he gave to God. He started keeping a debit and credit book with God.

If someone did him a favor, he put it down as God’s gift to him. He credited God with the sun, his food, his health, his friends and relatives and a thousand other benefits he received.

On the other hand, he put down what he did for God. Finally he gave up, saying, “It is impossible for me to balance the books. I find that God is indeed my creditor and what I have done for him is next to nothing.”

Thanks be to God for Jesus Christ, who did balance our books so that we can know and love the almighty God, creator of us all.

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